PayPer - complex web app

PayPer - complex web app

PayPer - complex web app

PayPer - complex web app

Providing merchants with emerging payment options, fair rates and quick settlements.

The revamp of PayPer's web application by our UI/UX design agency has greatly optimized the payment process, offering merchants swift transactions and a frictionless payment experience. This has led to a considerable boost in merchant contentment with our services.

About Projects

We partnered with Payper, a trailblazing fintech company, to revamp the UI/UX of their web application. Our goal was simple yet ambitious: to enhance user experience and elevate Payper's brand in the competitive digital payment space.

The Challenge

Payper faced a common issue: their web app lacked the intuitive design and fluid user interface necessary for an optimal customer experience. This shortfall was affecting their conversion rates and overall market standing, especially in the Canadian market.

The Process

Our team focused on creating an interface that was not just visually appealing but also user-friendly. We streamlined the checkout process, reducing redirects and enhancing the payment flow. Attention to detail was key. We integrated elements that highlighted Payper's strengths, such as their high completion rates and innovative payment options.

Inside the Customer's Wallet

Dive into the ebb and flow of customer spending with this laid-back yet insightful dashboard. It’s like having a coffee with your data - casual, informative, and super easy to get along with. Peek at the ups and downs of transactions over time, catch up on the latest orders, and get the lowdown on who's spending what and when. It's all about keeping it real with the numbers while staying cool on the details.

The Money Trail

Step into the day-to-day of cash flow with this crisp transaction detail snapshot. It’s like a financial detective story, where every click reveals another clue. From the big green tick marking an approved payment to the nitty-gritty of API calls and JSON responses, it's the tech-savvy merchant's treasure map. Follow the breadcrumbs of transaction IDs, payment methods, and customer details, all leading to the jackpot – understanding your customer's journey down to the last cent. It's tech talk made casual, where every transaction tells a tale.

Transaction Deep Dive

Here's your one-stop shop for the nitty-gritty on every transaction. It's the place where every dollar has a story, and every detail matters. Check out that big, bold number up top — it's like a high-five for your finances when it's in the green. You've got the scoop on payments down to the second, and a handy list that's all about the who's who and the what's what of transactions. And hey, if there's a hiccup, those notes on the side are like little breadcrumbs leading you to what needs a closer look. It's the down-to-earth way to keep your money moves in check.

Checkout Chronicles

Zoom in on the financial facts with this snapshot of a transaction in its prime. The big number at the top? That's the thumbs-up to a smooth deal. Down below, every item tells a part of the story, from what was bought to the pretty penny it cost. It's all about the fine print here—like a receipt that got a glow-up. Whether it's a refund amount or a method of payment, this page lays it all out clean and clear, so you can watch the dollars and sense at play without breaking a sweat.

“Halal Labs is an excellent company that adds high value and quality to their work. Masum and his team put a strong emphasis on their full commitment and availability which produces a great outcome. They understood the vision presented to them and their excellent communication was invaluable during the design process. It has been a pleasure to work with them.”

Nicole Aoucheva

UX Designer @PayPer

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OCX Cognition - web & mobile app

Providing merchants with emerging payment options, fair rates and quick settlements.

OCX Cognition has transformed business-customer interactions with its cutting-edge AI technology. Our B2B SaaS design agency designed both the web and mobile platforms.

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